Shirt Maker Wants To See Saddam Hang In A Custom T-Shirt
Released on = November 9, 2006, 9:58 am
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Industry = Internet & Online
Press Release Summary = Nick Anthony, creator of, has designed a Hangman Hussein t-shirt in the wake of Saddam Hussein's sentence, and his goal is to see the former dictator wear it on his day of execution.
Press Release Body = Nick Anthony, creator of, has designed a Hangman Hussein t-shirt in the wake of Saddam Hussein's sentence, and his goal is to see the former dictator wear it on his day of execution. is a new, internet start-up featuring custom t-shirts with a unique tracking code printed on the right sleeve of each shirt. The site encourages visitors who purchase a t-shirt to "track it, and wear it for a few days. Enjoy it, and pass it on to someone else". This method of circulating and tracking t-shirts is intended to arouse interest and curiosity in the idea that something so basic as a t-shirt may begin a cycle of ownership somewhere in middle America and ultimately find its way from person to person around the world.
So, will one of the Hangman Hussein t-shirts ever really make it all the way to Saddam? "It's doubtful," says Anthony "but they can't hang him naked."
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Contact Details = Contact Nick Anthony by e-mail at
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